Elizabeth Pesord's sons gradually revealed their commonalities. Their story is a real and vivid lesson in the history of Pomeranian history - spanning the history of the Kashubi, Germans, and other inhabitants; Pole. Their true identities were only confirmed after more than twenty years. All sons were born on the rural estate of the Paetzold family - a former German region in Pomerania near Danzig, which once again became Polish; In mid-1945, nine months after the birth of the last brother, the situation must have been like this. Before the Red Army took over, Elizabeth could only leave the area with two of her children. Other children remained in orphanages in Poland, with two of them being adopted by Polish families. In this meeting, the brothers referred to it as the "last reunion" - the eldest was born in 1938; The youngest was at the end of 1944, interviewing all sons, wives, partners, children, and in laws; Neighbors participate...